7 weeks in hospital...12 times ressusitated...4 life threatening illnesses...2 opperations...

7 weeks in hospital...12 times ressusitated...4 life threatening illnesses...2 opperations...

Wednesday 7 February 2007


this is a documentary about influenza, this is the same illness that i had but a different type, the way in which this documentary is structured is by having pictures instead of moving images with a voiceover being spoken over the slideshow of the pictures of people dieing and ill. the documentary is full of facts and figures and dates of different events that happend during the period of the massive outbreak of the influenza bug. i also noticed there is a background soundtrack that is being played behind the voiceover, this is to add sympathy and to lock the viewer in due to the fact that the music has a classical but cliff-hanger theme to it. this is a good documentary to analyse seeing as i also need to add pictures to my own and have a voice over. i learnt from this documentary that if i added a soft music to the background of my documentary, it instantly locks the viewers on and makes them focus more.

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