7 weeks in hospital...12 times ressusitated...4 life threatening illnesses...2 opperations...

Wednesday, 28 February 2007
PAIN OF SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
No MoRe TrAcKy ScAr!!!
basically what they will do is sedate me under general Anaesthetic (where i am asleep fully) and cut a circle around my scar and remove that peice of tissue, i will be left with a hole in my neck by now... then they will take the top and the bottom of the circle and stitch them together so that i will be left with a small horizontal scar that would hopefully fade in the future...i will try my best to record the proceedure but i got a feeling they will not let me...wish me luck!!
MoThErLy LoVe
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Progress report
i may feature in CHILD IN A MILLION on channel 5
i also found out that whilst i was unconcious news reporters and TV stations were interested in my illness they wanted to make a documentary about me and my progress in hospital but my family declined all of these offers as they did not want me in papers and magazines and people intruding my life because i was soooo ill and they just wanted me to get better....WOWZA
suggestions and ideas
- craig david-Walking away, i thought id use this at the end and have all different shots of me walking away from the camera into the distance to connote that im walking away from what happend to me and starting fresh
- died in your arms tonight, the original and the jay-z remix i will use the original towards the begining/middle of my doc then have the remix fast passed version at the end just like in bowling for columbine did with the song "what a wonderful world.
- i got some classical music also but i dont know the name of it but its the sort that is emotional and gives that cold chill feeling, i would use this to make the audience engage more with what is going on
- other sounds being used is sirens and hospital beeps when the time is right in the documentary.
if anybody has any suggestions they think can help me please feel free to leave a comment..taaa
Test Screening Feedback
Media Language (A-E)------B
Conventions (A-E)-------B
Creativity (A-E) ----------B
Attention to Detail (A-E) ------C
Technical Proficiency (A-E) --------C
2. positive
(mise en scene?) good set out, very realistic, well spaced
(lighting?) natural look, no artificial lighting so very positive
(sound?) just the voice of the surgeon
(conventions? matching audience?)very grippin, good and detailed
3. critisism
(cinematography?) ??
(mise en scene?) shaking camera
(lighting?) could be brightened up a bit
(sound?) cant hear ant much in the interview
(conventions? matching audience?) none
(miscellaneous) could have used a tripod
Sunday, 11 February 2007
ThIs WeEkS PrOgReSs
im still trying to get some archive footage of the disneyland advert but i cant seem to find any of them ANYWHERE, leave a comment for me if you know how i can get one plz, Taa
BlOg CoMmEnTs
1. What do you think of our blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
this is a documentary about influenza, this is the same illness that i had but a different type, the way in which this documentary is structured is by having pictures instead of moving images with a voiceover being spoken over the slideshow of the pictures of people dieing and ill. the documentary is full of facts and figures and dates of different events that happend during the period of the massive outbreak of the influenza bug. i also noticed there is a background soundtrack that is being played behind the voiceover, this is to add sympathy and to lock the viewer in due to the fact that the music has a classical but cliff-hanger theme to it. this is a good documentary to analyse seeing as i also need to add pictures to my own and have a voice over. i learnt from this documentary that if i added a soft music to the background of my documentary, it instantly locks the viewers on and makes them focus more.
ExTrAOrDiNaRy PeOpLe