WhAt I HaVe CoMpLeTeD So FaR...
1 Interveiw with a plastic surgeon in Great Ormond Street Hospital
Grave yard footage
Hospital footage (inside/out)
Ambulance footage
Chapter opening footage
Found potential soundtracks for the documentary
WhAt I nEeD tO cOmPlEtE...
Vox pops - " What is pneumonia?"..."How would you descbribe the outcome of my ordeal?" and how is pneumonia caught?" because most people think that the infection is due to coldness i can explain how they are wrong.
Interveiws with freinds, family members and hospital staff
Everyday footage (of me)
Vox pops - " What is pneumonia?"..."How would you descbribe the outcome of my ordeal?" and how is pneumonia caught?" because most people think that the infection is due to coldness i can explain how they are wrong.
Interveiws with freinds, family members and hospital staff
Everyday footage (of me)
WhAt I WiLl CoMpLeTe In ThE nExT wEeK...
The everyday footage...goin to school...getting a trim etc. Exaggerating on the fact that anybody can get the illness even "normal" , healthy teenagers..
The everyday footage...goin to school...getting a trim etc. Exaggerating on the fact that anybody can get the illness even "normal" , healthy teenagers..
My ReSeArCh CoNdUcTeD...
EcMo Cd...
after my experience in hospital, one of the EcMo team leaders gave me a CD that gave me all the information i would need to know about EcMo. it told me information like, how the machine works, who it is for, and survival rates of people that were on the machine, it was shocking that i read that i had 40-60% of survival due to the facts that i was on the machine for 2weeks and along with my other illnesses that made me weaker my odds of survival were slim.
by being in hospital for 7 weeks, i gathered quite a good understanding and knowledge about my health and what i needed to make me better, i managed to understand what my lungs went through and how bad they were, what medicenes i needed and various treatments i needed everyday.
ReSeArCh I nEeD tO cOnDuCt...
the research that i need to gather will be such research as what exactly is pneumonia, staphylococcus aureus, strephacoccus and influenza B+?
i will gather my research through the use of internet sites such as google searches and by interviewing various doctors in Great Ormond Street Hospital.
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