- blood clots forming around my body...i had a drug called heperin to thin my blood so it can easily flow through tubes, but ar any moment i could get a blood clot that could go to my brain and kill me. i had 24 hour care and my blood was checkedalll the time throught the tubes with a torch to make sure everything was A-ok!
- MY FIRST FIT!!!!.....this was the point when something drastically went wrong, out of the blue whilst i was unconcious i started to fit, shakin and twitchin and foaming at the mouth, it took a while for me to calm down and when doctors finally did control me, they had to run a number of brain scans and CT scans to check my brain function....i had 2 options of what could happen, i could end up perfectly fine and pull through it, or i could of been left brain dead, brain damaged or parazlized lucky for me i was not left brain dead or damaged, i was just left with a slight memory loss, this means i cant remember as much as i could, for instance, if i get told something, i will easily forget it, or who told me it, and also its hard for me to remember simple things such as what i did 2 days ago, unless someone reminds me, then i can rememeber more....i guess beggers cant be choosers.
7 weeks in hospital...12 times ressusitated...4 life threatening illnesses...2 opperations...

Monday, 29 January 2007
Do Or DiE....The RiSkS FaCeD
right now im just online tryna find a good documentary that i can research, im lookin for "trauma" and "Childrens hospital" both are medical experience related so in a way they can help me with my documentary, if anyone knows any good documentaries that can help me please leave a comment, thanks
Friday, 26 January 2007
My InTrO
im planning to have the opening scene as a Disneyland commercial with all kids having fun and hugging Mickey Mouse. then straight after that im guna switch to a photo of me layin unconcious in hospital with the disneyland music still playin with a slow zoom on the photo...then end with somthing like "lets go disney" or "i love disney" this will make the viewers feel sympathy and it will give a shocking intro to the documentary
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
ToO cOlD fOr PnEuMoNiA.....ThE mYtH
What Is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs most commonly caused by a bacteria or virus. Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling vomit or other foreign substances.
In all cases, the lungs' air sacs fill with pus , mucous, and other liquids and cannot function properly. This means oxygen cannot reach the blood and the cells of the body.
Types of pneumonia
Most pneumonias are caused by bacterial infections.
The most common infectious cause of pneumonia is the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. (what I had)
so proof be told that pneumonia is not caught by cold weather because it is a bacterial infection and a cold is a viral infection
soo for all you silly humans who beleive that pneumonia is caused by cold weather.....you know know this is purely just a myth.....so next time you parents tell you to wrap up warm or url catch pneumonia.....tell em to ShAdAaP ;)
Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs most commonly caused by a bacteria or virus. Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling vomit or other foreign substances.
In all cases, the lungs' air sacs fill with pus , mucous, and other liquids and cannot function properly. This means oxygen cannot reach the blood and the cells of the body.
Types of pneumonia
Most pneumonias are caused by bacterial infections.
The most common infectious cause of pneumonia is the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. (what I had)
so proof be told that pneumonia is not caught by cold weather because it is a bacterial infection and a cold is a viral infection
soo for all you silly humans who beleive that pneumonia is caused by cold weather.....you know know this is purely just a myth.....so next time you parents tell you to wrap up warm or url catch pneumonia.....tell em to ShAdAaP ;)
Monday, 22 January 2007
BrEaK iT dOwN!!!
MeDiCaL TeRmS...
this is a sodium chloride(salt) mixed with sterile water passed through a gas mask over a mouth or a tracheostomy. i had to breath this in 5 mins a day to moisten my lungs and to loosen any gunk in my lungs so i coulf cough it out easier.
this is a small curved tube that is placed under a persons Adams apple by the use of surgery. its use is to help a person breath, no air can pass through the nose or mouth when a tracheostomy is in place, only air can pass through the tracheostomy tube it is changed every week and it can be suctioned to remove any gunk that can block it.
a cannula is a piece of medical equipment i am very familiar with. it is where a needle is placed into a vein with a small tube sticking out, most people have these put in when they are giving blood. whilst i was in hospital i had about 20 of these due to the fact that as i was getting weaker, my veins began to shrink and get smaller and less visable to the human eye. cannulars are also used to place medicines into the human body as you can see in the top main picture on this page...i had MANY!!!
Sunday, 21 January 2007
DoC PrOgReSs..
WhAt I HaVe CoMpLeTeD So FaR...
1 Interveiw with a plastic surgeon in Great Ormond Street Hospital
Grave yard footage
Hospital footage (inside/out)
Ambulance footage
Chapter opening footage
Found potential soundtracks for the documentary
WhAt I nEeD tO cOmPlEtE...
Vox pops - " What is pneumonia?"..."How would you descbribe the outcome of my ordeal?" and how is pneumonia caught?" because most people think that the infection is due to coldness i can explain how they are wrong.
Interveiws with freinds, family members and hospital staff
Everyday footage (of me)
Vox pops - " What is pneumonia?"..."How would you descbribe the outcome of my ordeal?" and how is pneumonia caught?" because most people think that the infection is due to coldness i can explain how they are wrong.
Interveiws with freinds, family members and hospital staff
Everyday footage (of me)
WhAt I WiLl CoMpLeTe In ThE nExT wEeK...
The everyday footage...goin to school...getting a trim etc. Exaggerating on the fact that anybody can get the illness even "normal" , healthy teenagers..
The everyday footage...goin to school...getting a trim etc. Exaggerating on the fact that anybody can get the illness even "normal" , healthy teenagers..
My ReSeArCh CoNdUcTeD...
EcMo Cd...
after my experience in hospital, one of the EcMo team leaders gave me a CD that gave me all the information i would need to know about EcMo. it told me information like, how the machine works, who it is for, and survival rates of people that were on the machine, it was shocking that i read that i had 40-60% of survival due to the facts that i was on the machine for 2weeks and along with my other illnesses that made me weaker my odds of survival were slim.
by being in hospital for 7 weeks, i gathered quite a good understanding and knowledge about my health and what i needed to make me better, i managed to understand what my lungs went through and how bad they were, what medicenes i needed and various treatments i needed everyday.
ReSeArCh I nEeD tO cOnDuCt...
the research that i need to gather will be such research as what exactly is pneumonia, staphylococcus aureus, strephacoccus and influenza B+?
i will gather my research through the use of internet sites such as google searches and by interviewing various doctors in Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Monday, 15 January 2007
ThE tEaM

Here is a picture of very familliar people to me, in the middle is my favourite nurse in the world, her name is LiZ she is the head of the ECMO team and she is the brains behind the bunch. here she is with another male nurse at work helping a poor little child get well again. The ECMO team love working in Great Ormond Street Hospital along with all the other staff and are very EnThUSiAsTiC with there work, i will try and arrange an interview with Liz for my production...duno who the old SaGgY BeG-FrIeNd WoMaN on the left is tho??
So WhAt ThE FuDgE Is EcMo?..
WhAt Is EcMo?..
ECMO is the name of a specific LiFe SuPpOrT mAcHiNe, the word ECMO stands for EXTRA CORPRAL MEMBRANE OXYGENATION. its main job is to pump oxygenated blood throught the human body. With a small insersion through the side of the neck through the main artery, a CaNuLaR is placed all the way down through the artery where it sits in the abdominal region, this is what the bood will pass through full with OxYgEn, so the lungs were stopped and this gave them time to HeAl.
WhO NeEdS EcMo?..
these machines are mainly designed for the use of YoUnG bAbIeS and ChIlDrEn but in my case, due to the fact that i had about a clenched fists capacity of non infected space in my left lung i desperatly needed this machine. soon after being admitted to hospital i managed to PoP a LuNg and PuNcTuRe ThE oThEr, meaning i could No LoNgEr BrEaThE by myself so this is another reason why i had this LiFe SuPpOrT mAcHiNe.
AnOtHeR iNtErEsTiNg FaCt
there are only 4 HoSpItAls in the whole of Great Britaint that have the ECMO machine, and whilst in Ealing hospital, i was rapidly deteriarating and getting WeAkEr AnD wEaKeR. Dr's told my parents there was NotHiNg ThEy CoUlD dO to help me and if i did not get any help by the net morning i would be DEAD. The only option was to try and find me this machine, with the last call made, GrEaT oRmOnD sTrEeT hOsPiTaL managed to have OnE mAcHiNe SpArE, so after 3 solid hours of preparing me to just MOVE FROM A HOSPITAL BED TO THE AMBULANCE OUTSIDE i was on my way to experiance one of the biggest MiRiCaL known to both Ealing and Great Ormond Street Hospital...
ECMO is the name of a specific LiFe SuPpOrT mAcHiNe, the word ECMO stands for EXTRA CORPRAL MEMBRANE OXYGENATION. its main job is to pump oxygenated blood throught the human body. With a small insersion through the side of the neck through the main artery, a CaNuLaR is placed all the way down through the artery where it sits in the abdominal region, this is what the bood will pass through full with OxYgEn, so the lungs were stopped and this gave them time to HeAl.
WhO NeEdS EcMo?..
these machines are mainly designed for the use of YoUnG bAbIeS and ChIlDrEn but in my case, due to the fact that i had about a clenched fists capacity of non infected space in my left lung i desperatly needed this machine. soon after being admitted to hospital i managed to PoP a LuNg and PuNcTuRe ThE oThEr, meaning i could No LoNgEr BrEaThE by myself so this is another reason why i had this LiFe SuPpOrT mAcHiNe.
AnOtHeR iNtErEsTiNg FaCt
there are only 4 HoSpItAls in the whole of Great Britaint that have the ECMO machine, and whilst in Ealing hospital, i was rapidly deteriarating and getting WeAkEr AnD wEaKeR. Dr's told my parents there was NotHiNg ThEy CoUlD dO to help me and if i did not get any help by the net morning i would be DEAD. The only option was to try and find me this machine, with the last call made, GrEaT oRmOnD sTrEeT hOsPiTaL managed to have OnE mAcHiNe SpArE, so after 3 solid hours of preparing me to just MOVE FROM A HOSPITAL BED TO THE AMBULANCE OUTSIDE i was on my way to experiance one of the biggest MiRiCaL known to both Ealing and Great Ormond Street Hospital...
An exploration of EcMo and Anthony's StRuGgLe to fight off 4 LiFe ThReAtEnInG illnesses brought on by what was meant to be a fun filled school trip to DiSnEyLaNd PaRiS...
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